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CSC Code of Conduct

CSC Code of Conduct PDF  For coaches, players and parents.

Chesapeake Soccer Club Code of Conduct

A CSC Coach will….

Be the example to follow as they mentor the youth under their charge.

Remember that he or she is a role model (on and off the field) and will conduct themselves accordingly.

Do what is in the best interest of the player, team and club.

Encourage good team spirit and collaboration.

Always work to build his or her players up - mentally, physically, competitively - and recognize that tearing a child down will not make them play better, work harder, or grow to be a better person.

Provide player development opportunities throughout the season to the best of their ability.

Treat all players equally - no special treatment for their child.

Positively support their players, helping to give them emotional strength to continue games, especially when losing.

Not yell or verbally demean or embarrass players.

Be both humble in victory and in defeat.

Not verbally attack or demean opposing team coaches or players.

Always demonstrate respect to referees, even if in disagreement.

Provide constructive feedback to players and parents, i.e. provide individual player evaluations at the end of each season (TASL and Elite coaches). This evaluation should provide positive feedback and suggestions for improvement.

Foster open communication with the parents about their children's strengths and weaknesses as individuals and as members of the squad.

Not use (or allow) any tobacco products, vaping products, or alcoholic products at practice, training, games, or other soccer field activities.

Provide transparent leadership for the good of the team. You've been given a leadership role; manage with honor and good character.

A CSC Player will…

Bring a good attitude, with a willingness to learn and play soccer, to practices and games.

Show coaches respect. Be open to instruction, learning, development, and improvement.

Get to practice and games at scheduled times as appointed by the coach.

Play hard, play fair, and have fun.

Listen to the coach to protect themselves and their fellow teammates.

Be positive and encouraging to their teammates. Be helpful when you can to others.

Try their best at each practice and game.

Remember that he/she represents his/her team and the club.

Never argue with the referee.

Show compassion for injured players by taking a knee on the pitch or helping a downed player up.

Be respectful of teammates, opponents and all officials regardless of circumstances.


A CSC Parent will…

Cheer positively for all players’ efforts and not coach from the sideline, which allows for player learning and development.

Demonstrate positive attitudes to teach and train their child to be thoughtful players and athletes.

Be encouraging. Not use foul language, which is not tolerated. Discipline your carefully chosen words.

Give general encouragement without any negative spin on their words.

Support the coach in their efforts to do what is best for the team.

Let the coaches coach the players.

Attend practice and games on time as appointed by the coach.

Volunteer their time a couple times a season to help our "all volunteer club".

Remember that he or she represents the club and will act as a gracious host at home, and a considerate visitor away.

Be respectful and exhibit maturity on the sideline towards opponents, opponents’ families and all officials.

Appreciate and respect coaches and referees. No yelling.

Not embarrass their child on the field.

Not use any tobacco products, vaping products, or alcoholic products at practice, training, games, or other soccer field activities.

Not live vicariously through their child.

Chesapeake Soccer Club

Mail to: PO Box 16438 
Chesapeake, Virginia 23328
Email : [email protected]
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